
About Noto Sans TC & Plugin & Youtube width questions

  • Hong Wei
  • Hello, In 1/31 I successfully purchased JIN:R and installed it! ☺

    I have also joined 「JIN BLOGCAMP」 but I don't quite understand how to use it, so I still ask questions here.

    I want to know how to use「Noto Sans TC」as Traditional Chinese font. Could you please teach me? Thank you!

    And I have other questions would like to ask for your assistance: 😳

    1. According to 「キャッシュプラグン」 mentioned in the JIN:R plugin manual (https://jinr.jp/manual/plugin/)

    My hosting server is「Mixhost」, Do I need to install other caching plugins? Like「LiteSpeed Cache」or「WP Super Cache」or「W3 Total Cache」.

    2. I have installed the 「Wordfence Security」 security plugin before, is it necessary to use it? or do I need to remove it?

    3. I found the embed Youtube video in the post is not 100% width.

    Then I tried to modify according to the manual:

    But it has no effect, the width is still not 100%.

    When I used Cocoon before, The correction method was to add CSS like this:

    .video-container { max-width: none; }

    But this CSS doesn't seem to work in JIN:R

    Here is my post: https://gamemid.com/poe-choose-builds/
    And I attached the images

    Thank you for your help! 🙏

    Sorry for asking so many questions.
    たくさん質問してごめんなさい 💦

    • WP 6.1系
    • Mixhost
    • GoogleChrome
    • Windows10
    2023/02/02 14:52
  • Ryota0101

    Hi, Hong Wei!!

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
    I see you made the purchase! Once again I thank you!
    Again, I'll answer in order!

    Try adding the following code to your additional CSS. Do not change any of the font settings at this time.

    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+TC:wght@300;500;700&display=swap');
    #wrapper.d--zenkakugothic, .d--zenkakugothic .editor-styles-wrapper, .d--zenkakugothic .edit-post-visual-editor{
    font-family: 'Noto Sans TC', sans-serif;

    Perhaps this will reflect "Noto Sans TC"!

    >1. according to "cache plugin" mentioned in the JIN:R plugin manual (https://jinr.jp/manual/plugin/)

    I think just installing "LiteSpeed Cache" will do the trick. I think it will speed up the process considerably. Just a word of caution, please do not activate it until you have finished setting up everything.
    Otherwise, the setting may not be reflected.

    >2. i have installed the "Wordfence Security" security plugin before, is it necessary to use it? or do I need to remove it?

    If you want to have good security measures in place, you may install it, though not absolutely.

    >I found the embed Youtube video in the post is not 100% width.

    .wp-block-embed__wrapper .video {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    height: 0;
    margin-bottom: 32px;
    overflow: hidden;
    #postContent iframe {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

    Try adding the above code to your additional CSS.
    It will probably be displayed at full width.

    Your site design is quite beautiful!
    I can't read traditional Chinese, but I can see that you are very particular about making it.

    Keep up the good work on your blog!
    I'm rooting for you.

    2023/02/04 20:24
  • Hong Wei

    Hi, Ryota~
    Such a detailed answer! 😳
    After following the guide everything became perfect. 👍👍👍

    And thank you for your compliment,
    I will work harder to make the website and articles better.
    Also I appreciate your professionalism very much! ☺

    2023/02/06 18:19